JFTC News 2002
No.99 Aug. PDF (6pages / 66.0KB)
1.   JFTC Chairman Miyahara Requests Ambassador Baker to Conclude Agreement on Pension Immediately
2.   Revision of Prospects for Japan’s Trade Balance and Current Account
3.   Year 2001 Annual Transactions of JFTC’s 48 Regular Trading Company Members
No.98 May PDF (8pages / 106.8KB)
1.   Efforts to Embrace the Environment
1)   Establishment of the Credo for Environment Preserving Actions
2)   Efforts Made by Trading Companies in Compliance with the Kyoto Mechanism
3)   Publication of "Kankyo eno Torikumi (Efforts to Embrace the Environment) — 21 Seiki wo Mukaete (As Entering the 21st century)"
2.   Events — Welcoming Luncheon Party for Prime Minister Constantinos Simitis of Greece / Welcoming Luncheon Party for President Pervez Musharraf of Pakistan