JFTC News 2015
No.141 July 2015 PDF (8pages /1.2MB)
1.   Promoting “Globalization Within Japan” for Deeper Relations between Japan and Other Asian Countries
2.   The 47th Korea-Japan Business Conference
3. State Visit to Japan of H.E. Mr. Benigno S. Aquino III, President of the Republic of the Philippines
4. “Handbook of SHOSHA” 2014 Version Publication Announcement
5. Bilingual “Japan’s Foreign Trade 2015” published in April
7. Regular Members of JFTC
No.140 February 2015 PDF (16pages /804KB)
1.   2015 New Year’s Reception
2.   2015 New Year's Reception Address by Chairman
3. Award Winners of JFTC Essay Competition 2014
4. Japan Cooperation Forum for the Middle East
5. Welcome luncheon for H.E. Mr. Narendra Modi, Prime Minister of the Republic of India
6. The 52nd Australia-Japan Joint Business Conference
7. State Banquet for Their Majesties King Willem-Alexander and Queen Máxima of the Netherlands
8. The 51st U.S.-Japan Business Conference
9. JFTC hosts the symposium “At the forefront of Shosha business – What is Shosha?”
10. Information on Renewal of JFTC Website Homepage
11. FY2015 Outlook for Japan’s Trade Balance and Current Account
12. Foreign Trade 2015
13 Regular Members of JFTC